Page 8 - Pink Book Sydney 2018
P. 8


        list. To make your checklist          everything organised and have
        well organised you need to di-        everything done when it should
        vide the tasks in periods of time.    be done to avoid last minute
        After you have jotted down all        complications.
        the tasks you need to accom-          Finally, you should include re-
        plish to be well-prepared for your  confirmations in your checklist to
        wedding, divide them according        make sure everything goes on as
        to when    they should be done.       smoothly as possible.
        Section your wedding checklist        It is important to include reconfir-
        according to how much time            mations in your wedding check-
        you have before the wedding.          list as these will not only help you
        For example, if the wedding is in     feel more relaxed, as you will be
        18 months, the first section          confirming you have everything
        should tackle the time frame “18      under control, but they will also
        to 12 months before wedding”,         help to avoid last minute disas-
        the second should tackle 12 to 9      ters.
        months before and so on.              Plan reconfirmations with the
         This will make sure you keep         photographer, band, caterers,
                                                         CONTINUES ON PAGE 12

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