Massage Treatments

Massage is often considered the art and science of systematically manipulating the soft tissue of the body to enhance health and wellbeing. It has one main ingredient over conventional medicine and that is human touch and has proven benefits that go well beyond the physical body, easing stress and releasing trapped negative emotions.

There are a number of massage techniques that can be utilised to restore health. I have expertise in the following types of massage therapies:

Relaxation massage

Consists of a full body treatment with smooth flowing strokes that promote general relaxation, improves circulation, relieves muscular tension and promotes flexibility.

It also reduces emotional and physical stress and is highly recommended as part of a regular program for stress management.

Remedial massage

A deep tissue massage that focuses on a particular area of tension or pain. Remedial massage treatments are a powerful way to make a difference to your health as it targets deeper layers of muscles and tendons and speeds up the body’s own repair mechanisms to return the tissues to their natural, hydrated and flexible state.

It will relieve painful symptoms of chronic conditions such as arthritis and tendonitis.

Fascial Unwinding

Fascial Unwinding applies gentle touch and stretching to induce relaxation and arouse the central nervous system. The central nervous system is involved in the modulation of muscle tone as well as movement and when it is activated responds by encouraging muscles to find an easier or more relaxed position.

Fascial Unwinding is suitable for a variety of conditions that result in acute or chronic soft tissue pain, poor circulation or postural problems:

  • Chronic pain
  • Frozen shoulder
  • Whiplash injuries
  • Sports injury
  • Work related disorders
  • Low back pain
  • Golfers and tennis elbow
  • Headaches/ Migraines

Sport Massage

Massage, stretching and joint loosening is the ideal way to ensure athletes are in prime shape by preparing them for sporting activities. Sport massage is an excellent way to assist in the prevention of sports related injuries, cramps or muscle tension by relaxing the muscles to reduce stiffness and aid recovery.

Manual Lymph Drainage

This massage treatment focuses on improving lymphatic circulation to remove excess fluid and products of the interstitial environment (around the cells). It is being successfully used to treat a multitude of health problems and is prescribed by doctors in European hospitals.

The lymphatic system is affected by factors such as stress, tiredness, chemical overload and illness, which will cause its functions to be compromised and slow it down. The result is that the lymph transportation function becomes sluggish, waste removal process becomes inferior and stagnant, thus leading to health complications.

Lymphatic drainage is excellent for the relief of:

  • Irritable bowel syndrome
  • Fatigue (includes chronic fatigue)
  • Tooth ache, dental procedures
  • Cosmetic conditions
  • Chronic pain (insomnia, tinnitus and vertigo)
  • Headache and migraines
  • Rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia, carpal tunnel syndrome
  • Pre surgical applications and post-surgical conditions
  • Sinusitis and seasonal hay fever symptoms

The most important benefits of Manual Lymph Drainage in cases of liposuction and aesthetic plastic surgery are alleviation of oedema and the changes that can be made by bruising discolouration. It also helps to remove residual medication and stimulate fluid circulation. The procedure has been known to help minimize the scarring process. Because of the gentle touch used it will not add any stress to tissue which is already bruised and painful.

Pregnancy massage

Massage throughout pregnancy can be therapeutic and relaxing. It can assist with the reduction of swelling in the legs and ankles as well as lower back and leg pain that expectant mothers may experience.

Aromatherapy massage

Reduces stress and pain and accelerates healing. A recent study suggests that aromatherapy using lemon balm or lavender oil decreases agitation in patients with Dementia. It can also promote relaxation of people with behavioural disorders such as Autistic Spectrum Disorder and people with learning disabilities.

Ear candle treatment

An effective, relaxing and non-intrusive way to clear congestion, waste products and excess fluids from the ears, sinus system and upper respiratory system. Suitable for children and adults and aids in people suffering headaches due to hay fever, sinus congestion, mental stress and insomnia.

We are moving  in August to

702 High str, Prahran



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10 cecil place VIC
