“Home of the INtuitive”

Traditional Maori Healing & Bodywork

Available in person. Mirimiri is gentle and can be delivered through the spoken word, sound and touch.
Romiromi is deep tissue bodywork/massage; working with pressure points, and the structural body.

Mirimiri/Romiromi is traditional bodywork combined to restore harmony and balance to the body.

-Improves mobility
-Restores normal function to limbs and joints
-Improves circulation
-Reduces and/or eliminates muscle and nerve pain
-Relaxes the body and reduces stress levels
-Stimulates lymphatic system to facilitate removal of toxins from the body
-Increases muscle strength
-Increases energy levels

Mirimiri/Romiromi is extremely effective for chronic conditions such as:

-Limited mobility
-Chronic pain
-Injuries (falls, whiplash, sports, car accidents)
-Repetitive strain injuries
-Osteoarthritis pain
-Migraines and headaches
-Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
-Neck and back tension

Mirimiri (soft touch) is suitable for all ages including infants, toddlers, teens adults and elderly.
Romiromi is deep tissue working on pressure points. Deep tissue is not suited for everyone but is applied with intuitive precision. Both Mirimiri and Romiromi are often combined for optimal results along with energy and multidimensional healing. This is natural therapy that gently balances the body’s life-force and brings health and well being to the recipient.

A comprehensive 2hr healing session may include but is not limited to:
Bodywork – Structural alignment
Psychic Healing
*Natural sound healing
*Light Language
*Code activations
**Karmic Clearing
**Past life regression
**Generational healing
**Timeline therapy
**Shamanic Healing
** Childhood trauma release and healing
Sessions: 1hr bodywork/ *1.5hr bodywork and energy/ **2hr comprehensive.

Energy Healing /Mirimiri
One of the greatest benefits of energy healing is stress reduction and relaxation, which triggers the bodies natural healing abilities, and improves and maintains health and holistic well-being. Energy healing is a natural therapy that gently balances the body’s life-force and brings health and well being to the recipient. Natural sound healing, symbols and light language is also incorporated to intervene energy to raise it’s frequency leaving you feeling lighter, clearer and high spirited.

Clearing land, home, office and people
Available in person, phone or video call. Working with and clearing the discordant energies affecting a property to harmonise the relationship between a place and the people and animals who live and/or work there.
Clearing can be done distantly or in person throughout Australia and New Zealand. Experienced with indigenous land and cultural customs.
International experience includes – New Zealand and the Cook Islands.

Matakite, Seer, Intuitive, Clairvoyant, Psychic, Empath, Medium, Channel.
Available by phone or video call, currently serving Australia and New Zealand. Readings may include healing.

Deep insight, guidance, clarity, healing. The intention of the readings is to assist you to move toward your true potential and to illuminate possibilities for you by eliminating road blocks that cause you to feel stuck, dis-empowered, confused, doubt, out of sorts and emotionally scattered or stressed in your personal life, family life, career, relationships, health, well-being.

Please feel free to email to request a free 5-10 minute consultation call if you would like to discuss these further.