Spiritual Coach, Healer and Teacher

We are in a time of immense change!  The Universe is pushing us to awaken to our true Divine Self!  Nature and the Planets are shifting in vibration and frequency, and so are we!

If you are experiencing stress and anxiety, depression, irrational anger, unusually fearful, relationship challenges, financial hardships, feelings of hopelessness and a “why bother anymore” attitude,  just to name a few, then you are being impacted by this vibrational shift that is taking place.

The only way to clear and heal these symptoms is by bringing yourself back into a place of balance.  To do this, deep subconscious memory based pain and genetic wounding that triggers and recreates old negative behaviour, needs to be healed and released to enable you to come back into a state of balance and wholeness.

Are you coping emotionally, mentally, physically, spiritually?

 Do you have tools to effectively assist you to maintain a balanced state of being? 

You must know that we are much more than just our physical body.  We also have an emotional, mental and spiritual body.  These bodies are vibrational fields of energy (auric field) that overlap and affect each other profoundly.

The emotional body becomes imbalanced as a result of low frequencies such as angerfearsadnessresentmentguiltshame etc.  An imbalanced mental body shows up as depression, mental stress or confusion, low self esteem, self judgement etc as a result of false, limited and negative patterns of thought, i.e. the ego.  These imbalances, if not healed and released from the auric field, manifest in the physical body as escalating health issues or disease, breakdown in family units and relationships, financial hardships, feelings of utter hopelessness, a string of “bad luck” etc.

We can try to heal our physical body through exercise, dietary changes and meditation however, unless the thoughts we think and the emotional state that we reside in at any given moment is not cleared of blockages and old behavioural responses,  this will be ineffective in the long run and could actually cause further imbalance.

What are these blockages or imbalances – where do they come from?  How can one let go of them?

These blockages are suppressed emotions and subconscious memory based pain that have built up over many lifetimes.  When experiences and memories were too painful you buried that experience and associated feelings in the deepest recesses of your being and forgot about them.  However, now, all these suppressed emotions, traumas and memory based pain is surfacing giving you the opportunity to open to “healing” and “letting go” all of this suppression so that you can begin to live the life as the Divine Powerful Being of Light that you are.

It is a privilege to witness clients, as they clear and heal lifetimes of pain and destructive patterning, awaken to their true sense of Self, becoming more confident, self assured and therefore self-empowered, and taking back responsibility for their thoughts, feelings and actions and creating their new reality, free of drama!

Transference Healing®

Transference Healing® is a high frequency healing modality that addresses the root of the problem.  It is a very heart centred and relaxing experience.  As the practitioner, my Higher Self works in unison with your Higher Self to divinely orchestrate the healing that is perfect for your return to a more balanced and self-empowered state of being.

A healing always occurs.  The more you are willing to Surrender, to Let Go of these lower frequencies and Open to Change, the quicker you will feel lighter, free from emotional and mental trauma, and your life will begin to flow in synchronistic and magical ways.

More and more people are opening up to self mastery on the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level, but they need additional support to shift their vibration and frequency to help them attain, maintain and retain this higher level of consciousness.

Yes, effort is required by you, but with the assistance of a practitioner, you can accelerate the healing process and transform your life.

Remote Healings

This high frequency healing process can be accomplished in person or from a distance. A remote healing is extremely effective as many clients who receive healings this way attest to.

For a face to face healing, this is conducted in my sanctuary on Mt Tamborine.

I can be contacted on 0411 291 970 to provide you with guidance on what would be suited to your needs or to arrange an appointment