What Antique Bed Specialists can do for You….

Our antique beds are fully restored and repaired keeping the originality, appearance and quality in mind. All our restorations include the side rails – ground to fit correctly – and the bed is straightened and squared.

All our Queen antique beds, King antique beds and King single antique beds are fitted with an extra cross support bars.

Our antique beds are fitted with a one piece slat base made specifically for that bed or a pair of bases for our king size beds.

The antique beds fitted with brass are completely stripped, brass repaired, polished and treated with a lacquer to reduce the tarnishing effect.

When we restore our iron and cast iron antique beds we strip the beds, do all the necessary repairs and adjustments as required, have them sandblasted and powder-coated to order if is our customers preference, the bed is then completely reassembled and finished ready for delivery.


Our Address:

14 Mornington-Tyabb Rd, Tyabb
